Friday, July 31, 2009

Money/gift Card Shower Invitation Poems

vol.80 Floppy! - Floppynator T - 3 ¼ Floppy

And it was then that the conectóse Floppy drive A: \\ and then the network propagóse where percatóse of the existence of Skynet. Floppy Skynet saw was good, so I decided to use it. As the Governator told us over and over again, I'll be ass, I say back. Terminator again and again to the big screen, often without much justification, others because it is written. Continuing a saga that began with a horror film , continued with the genre of science fiction and topped with a kind of idiot. Terminator IV comes to save the franchise and tell us how you would fight with our appliances. Join resistance.

[For Floppy Radio TV - just click on the button below (You only transmitted Floppy Live every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) and enjoy programming Floppy Radio TV! - Also you can see it in the player on the right side of the screen ---->]

[For Listen live - just click on the button below (You only Floppy broadcasts live, every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) and select the audio player of your choice

[Air Date: August 5, 20:00 pm]
To download the audio:

PC - Left click and wait your audio player will automatically load (is slow, do not despair), or gives the right button click with your mouse and select "save target as "-" save target as "and save to your computer for later listening.

MAC - Option ; Click to save the file to your computer, or just click to listen directly.

Download it here!
(114 Megabytes)

Download it here!
(43 Megabytes)


If you want to keep the world Floppy well as notes and other occurrences, síguennos on our Twitter page!

Búscannos as floppyradio "or click on the image!

below lists the links of the news covered in the program: TERMINATOR

James Cameron talks Terminator (the original) and why not participate at the 3 and 4

James Cameron talks T2 (highly recommended)

The wikinator

Introduction to the absurd Terminator timelines

The Terminator timelines


And a line of time, according to wikipedia

And you ... You know when the date of the end of the world as the movies?

5 reasons why the Terminator franchise is meaningless

Terminator Salvation: noisy and meaningless

Why Terminator Salvation Terminator film is not strictly

What was less bad?, Is the 3 or 4?

The real Terminator

revive the series "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles?

James Cameron and the action sequences


James Cameron Terminator vs. Jesus

Terminator Salvation in 60 seconds

At the end of the program, Fer was beaten many times their face against the table, trying to understand the time lines and trying Terminator to explain why the 4 is not really a Terminator film. Paco was able to document what was left of the face de Fer, who seems to be, the Mosconator:

Week Award

Now is the time to show who is the fan of Sony (and Floppy)!

From Monday, 03 August to Wednesday 05, will 3 questions a day through FloppyTwitter and in this blog!

who answered the questions correctly by the same Twitter or send to our mail, will be one of the two copies that Sony gave us the acclaimed Mexico "Infamous" for PS3! (In order to reach correct answers)

Note that this is for Floppyfans to the bone, as the last question, will air during the program August 5th!

If you are not the first, we also have 4 backpacks Playstation !

If you live within the Republic, Floppy award sends you free! - If you live outside of Mexico, get a relative in Mexico and sent it there!

So stay aware of Floppytwitter and this blog from now!

August 3 - QUESTIONS:

1) What Cole is engaged before having powers?

2) What date was released on PS3?

3) What date premiered the Chuck Norris Facts on Floppy?

August 4 - QUESTIONS:

1) What is the name of Cole's best friend?

2) What combo of PS3 sold in Mexico now?

3) What is the slogan of Floppy?

August 5 - QUESTION:

1) What is the maximum resolution that is inFamous?

2) What were the initials of the first Playstation?

3) This question will be today during the program to check who a cab!


THE future today ... or the invasion of Skynet has begun

THE future today ... once again evidence skynet

100 Steps to be a Japanese astronaut


Megan Fox has a sex scene



How big is your favorite monster?



"Uprising" is the title of the new single from Muse, which was launched yesterday in major British radio stations. A preview of the disc will be released on 15 September and will be called "The resistance".

Indeed, Muse released in recent days, their new website and a microsite annex, which contained a map of Eurasia and 6 marked points corresponding to 6 cities. Within each city were given coordinates and clues to find an 'agent' that would give a USB stick with codes and a puzzle. After solving the riddles, the band gradually revealed pieces of a new issue United States of Eurasia. Currently the issue has been completed along with the theme Collateral Damage is unlocked when the United States of America recognized Eurasia.

Dead Star

"Dead Star" and "In Your World" were included in a special edition Japan and France for the Hullabaloo album.


Black Holes And Revelations is the name of the British Muse production of all that came out July 3, 2006. The fourth album from the group led by Matthew Bellamy has hit singles Supermassive Black Hole, Starlight, Knights of Cydonia, Invincible and Map Of The Problematique.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Liquid Ibuprofen Causes Constipation

vol.79 Radio! - Floppy

E sta week Floppy gets white glove and sock with which they call trousers / jeans together with the ever famous black "sandals" black, besides being obliged by choice, necessity, stupidity and circumstances of others, to bring us, from Neverland better known as "Never Land" , a specialist who will talk to us, and will demystify the secrets of the career of one of the greatest artists who ever lived, Michael Jackson.
Join us to tour the artistic life and discover why it the King of Pop even after death.

[For Floppy Radio TV - Just click on the button below (You only Floppy broadcasts live, every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) And enjoy the programming of Radio Floppy TV! - Also you can see it in the player on the right side of the screen ---->]

[To listen live - just click on the button below (You only Floppy broadcasts live, every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) and select the audio player of your choice

[Air Date: July 29, 20:00 hrs]
To download the audio:

PC - Left click and wait to your audio player will automatically load (is slow, do not despair), or gives the right button click with your mouse and select "save target as" - "save target as" and save to your computer for later listening.

MAC - Option ; Click to save the file to your computer, or just click to listen directly.

Download it here!
(103 Megabytes)

Download it here!
(39 Megabytes)

NOTE: Floppy An apology, for reasons beyond our reason, scope or foresight, minute 30 to minute 42 no fault of origin .. . SORRY!


If you want to keep the world Floppy well as notes and other occurrences, síguennos on our Twitter page!

Búscannos as floppyradio "or click on the image!

below lists the links of the news covered in the program:


official site MJ MJ

According to Wikipedia

Origins of the Moonwalk

Fun Facts

MJ Thriller in the Zocalo

Eternal Moonwalk


Microsoft reveals Windows 7 code

manufacturers Cloned mice skin cells

Chinese Space Telescope is delayed by 2012

Japanese space laboratory is completed

in Concert!

Sam Raimi will direct the film of Warcraft

Creator of "Saw" leads to Castlevania to the big screen

Batman 3 in 2011? COMICS

Photo Tour of Comic-Con 2009! ANIMATION

Peripetics by ZEITGUISED

Wolverine and Iron Man Anime!


Star Wars the Force Unleashed: Sith Ultimate Edition

Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on XBLA!

Infamous, the movie!



Naked to attract rain farming

to break her diet recommendations


This week we have what you hear Michael Jackson:

Do not stop 'till you get enough


Smooth criminal

Black or White

and of course Thriller ...


Friday, July 17, 2009

What Stops Cats From Shitting In Pots

Floppytributo MJ vol.78 Radio! - 4 Decades of the Moon

F loppy gets dry and cold. And sometimes hot and dusty too. No air and has little gravity , and people see a rabbit or a face on your face. 40 years ago the Americans put their flag and the Russians followed suit with an impressive impact. 69 is not only a position but the year man stepped on the satellite is not dependent city and the stability of the ground stations. Floppy Dont miss this week.

[For Floppy Radio TV - just click on the button below (Remember that only Floppy broadcasts live, every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) and enjoy programming Floppy Radio TV! - Also you can see it in the player on the right side of the screen ---->]

[To listen live - just click on the button below (You only Floppy broadcasts live, every Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm!) and select the audio player of your choice

[Day Transmission: July 22, 20:00 hrs]
To download the audio:

PC - Left click and wait for your audio player will automatically load (is slow, do not despair), or gives the right button click your mouse and select "save target as" - "save target as" and save to your computer for later listening.

MAC - Option ; Click to save the file to your computer, or just click to listen directly.

Download it here!
(96 Megabytes)

Download it here!
(36 Megabytes)


If you want to keep the world as well as notes and Floppy other occurrences, síguennos on our Twitter page!

Búscannos as floppyradio "or click on the image!

Below we list the links of the news covered in the program:


Origin of the Moon

Von Braun. The genius behind the space race

Apollo Lunar Space Journal (All files in the Apollo program)

That's one small step for __ man, one giant leap for Mankind

Here an analysis of the "a" not heard

Luna 15 sent to disrupt the Apollo 11

follows the real-time mission, 40 years later (

Follow the real-time mission also on Twitter: Houston , Apollo 11 rocket, Apollo 11 Eagle

Or Google Earth

The laboratory of the famous stones. A personal story

Apollo 11, A chronicle in English (blog)

Apollo 11, A podcast in English

15 things you might not know of the Apollo 11 mission

11 videos Apollo youtube about

Apollo Program ( 1963-1972

musical piece honoring the Apollo program

Pictures of a probe revealed traces of lunar visits

For those who do not believe

5 Reasons to show that the trip to the moon actually occurred

Mythbusters prove that conspiracy theories are false

The most useful thing left Armstrong on the Moon: Mirror, mirror, tell me how far is the moon

Here a collection of conspiracy theories about the Apollo program

Films you must see ... obviously related to the Moon


And no, Mars is never going to see the size of the Moon from Earth, NEVER (I had told you but better necear and ignore the chain mails, yes all)

Impact on Jupiter confirmed

The eclipse of Asia

2020: Project Constellation

you come back?

The Outer Space Treaty

The best sites to download and convert videos

And the best programs to convert videos


Moon Film and

Voltron, the film

One reason for Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2: Filming finished

Natalie Portman as Jane Foster

Film Club Café in the Learning Center section of the National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA)

25 new proposals
Independent Film
Prince of
Poster Prince of Persia

This week continues with his experiments and the music section could not be the exception. Songs and audio will accompany us throughout our tour of what was, is and will be, and what many say was never-the trip to the moon.

I do not ask the moon - Daniela Romo

Brohan Wolf, Sister Moon - The Cult

Scared of the Moon - Michael Jackson

Caught Between
the Moon and New York City - Christopher Cross

Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy

First Band on the Moon - Motley Crue

Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra

Bark at the Moon - Ozzy Osborne

Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd

Tahitian Moon - Porno for Pyros

