F loppy change their own rules again. S extensive repertoire and strange vintage tone incomplete reports flow in a group known as MISSYLL. COLLECTIVE (incomplete report on feeling full). From its various dimensions will show music and will tell us what it's like swimming upstream carrying on their backs a lot of musical instruments.
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below lists the links of the news covered in the program:
Missyll official Space
Floppy Vote here to have a special envoy blogging from Antarctica! (ES REAL!)
5 reasons why Google Chrome the operating system is a bad idea
Geocities Goodbye ... "Geocities? I do not remember that still was
Therapy Internet addiction
Gadgets 30 years ago today
Win great prizes courtesy of Kingston!
First tomb of an Aztec king discovered
An Indiana over!
Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern
of Woody Allen's new
Alice in Tim Burton
Some scenes from Inglourious Basterds
Confirmed, Transformers for 2011 or 2012, Portman Thor, etc ... ANIMATION
Oops, I was wrong, the old ones in the movies also sell, especially if it is a good movie, especially because it's Pixar, especially because I'm an idiot on Wall Street

Oh oh! Worms in your iphone
still on XBLA hits with "Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition"

Cloudy with a chance of metaballs
Office 2010 BUG OF THE WEEK
interrupting your ex-girlfriend's wedding ...
40 Years of Sesame Street Muppets characters = 101
Campaign for
the smile
's 100 favorite books Newsweek
course We can not stop listening to this week's musical proposal of our guests.
Insufficient Steps: This song is our first child in creating this sound experiences. When this track was created we were only 3 members: Armando on bass, Beno on the lyre and Victor battery. Doing this track was magic, as all embedded in a very fluid and made the difference between what you are looking for our band and what is created today.
Blue Forest: This dime was more pacheco, more experimental. We decided to combine several Latin sounds and travel of all kinds, all the time. In the letter reflected creates a link to the beings that inhabit the planet and those who are believed to not exist. The emphasis in fairies, goblins and other fantastic beings, experiences and revelations produced by means that do not necessarily refer to the use of exotic substances.
Robert Funky Monkey: this track is a brilliant musical fable that marks an important transition and progress in the band, in its way of making music. Are obvious influences that each element contributes to the project. It's a grounder rather important for all members of the group, since it is a constant challenge of sensory experience and music.
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