Ohne Punkt (Part 5)
idiot momentum measure by seeking affection in the other a jealous reaction like when you talk about your friends and I know very well that crossed your bed or when I speak of my friends and you know very While they knew to be in my sheets share some altered state product of our sessions iatrogenic and stuttering that mirrors that after the cry before And we retuercedislocadisgregaatornillarehúyerepelerefriega interstitial hole this window where we become infamous body patadapárpado frenéticofrasco deformable edges desire to exercise their right of citizenship in an ethic buried pettiness knows no unbutton a button without using teeth and spells conjugates contrapuntal We intensified contractions smuggled conjunctive intuitive moments for the most minimal manifestation of the absurd to deposit our nerves there with enthusiasm and optimism bicycle reincarnated
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